
How to use callbacks


from nyawc.Options import Options
from nyawc.Crawler import Crawler
from nyawc.CrawlerActions import CrawlerActions
from nyawc.http.Request import Request

def cb_crawler_before_start():
    print("Started crawling")

def cb_crawler_after_finish(queue):
    print("Finished crawling")

def cb_request_before_start(queue, queue_item):
    print("Making request: {}".format(queue_item.request.url))
    return CrawlerActions.DO_CONTINUE_CRAWLING

def cb_request_after_finish(queue, queue_item, new_queue_items):
    print("Finished request: {}".format(queue_item.request.url))
    return CrawlerActions.DO_CONTINUE_CRAWLING

def cb_form_before_autofill(queue_item, elements, form_data):
    return CrawlerActions.DO_AUTOFILL_FORM

def cb_form_after_autofill(queue_item, elements, form_data):

options = Options()

options.callbacks.crawler_before_start = cb_crawler_before_start
options.callbacks.crawler_after_finish = cb_crawler_after_finish
options.callbacks.request_before_start = cb_request_before_start
options.callbacks.request_after_finish = cb_request_after_finish
options.callbacks.form_before_autofill = cb_form_before_autofill
options.callbacks.form_after_autofill = cb_form_after_autofill

crawler = Crawler(options)

Available callbacks

Before crawler start

Can be used to run some code before the crawler starts crawling. It does not receive any arguments.


def cb_crawler_before_start():
    print("Started crawling")

options.callbacks.crawler_before_start = cb_crawler_before_start


After crawler finish

Can be used to run some code after the crawler finished crawling. It receives one argument, nyawc.Queue.


def cb_crawler_after_finish(queue):
    # Print the amount of request/response pairs that were found.
    print("Crawler finished, found " + str(queue.get_count()) + " requests.")

    # Iterate over all request/response pairs that were found.
    for queue_item in queue.get_all():
        print("Request method {}".format(queue_item.request.method))
        print("Request URL {}".format(queue_item.request.url))
        print("Request POST data {}".format(
        # print("Response body {}".format(queue_item.response.text))

options.callbacks.crawler_after_finish = cb_crawler_after_finish


Before request start

Can be used to run some code after the request started executing. It receives two arguments, nyawc.Queue, which contains all the items currently in the queue (also finished items) and nyawc.QueueItem, which is the item (request/response pair) in the queue that will now be executed.

  • By returning CrawlerActions.DO_SKIP_TO_NEXT, this queue_item (request/response pair) will be skipped.
  • By returning CrawlerActions.DO_STOP_CRAWLING, the crawler will stop crawling entirely.
  • When returning CrawlerActions.DO_CONTINUE_CRAWLING, the crawler will continue like normally.

def cb_request_before_start(queue, queue_item):
    # return CrawlerActions.DO_SKIP_TO_NEXT
    # return CrawlerActions.DO_STOP_CRAWLING

    return CrawlerActions.DO_CONTINUE_CRAWLING

options.callbacks.request_before_start = cb_request_before_start


After request finish

Can be used to run some code after the request finished executing. It receives three arguments, nyawc.Queue, which contains all the items currently in the queue (also finished items), nyawc.QueueItem, which is the item (request/response pair) in the queue that will now be executed and new_queue_items (array of nyawc.QueueItem), which contains the request/response pairs that were found during this request.

  • By returning CrawlerActions.DO_STOP_CRAWLING, the crawler will stop crawling entirely.
  • When returning CrawlerActions.DO_CONTINUE_CRAWLING, the crawler will continue like normally.

def cb_request_after_finish(queue, queue_item, new_queue_items):
    percentage = str(int(queue.get_progress()))
    total_requests = str(queue.get_count())

    print("At " + percentage + "% of " + total_requests + " requests ([" + str(queue_item.response.status_code) + "] " + queue_item.request.url + ").")

    # return CrawlerActions.DO_STOP_CRAWLING
    return CrawlerActions.DO_CONTINUE_CRAWLING

options.callbacks.request_after_finish = cb_request_after_finish


Before form autofill

Can be used to run some code before automatically filling in a form. It receives three arguments, nyawc.Queue, which contains all the items currently in the queue (also finished items), elements, which is an array of BeautifulSoup4 input elements found in the form and form_data, which is the (editable) form data that will be used in the request.

  • By returning CrawlerActions.DO_AUTOFILL_FORM, the form will be filled with random data.
  • By returning CrawlerActions.DO_NOT_AUTOFILL_FORM, only default input values will be used.

def cb_form_before_autofill(queue_item, elements, form_data):
    # return CrawlerActions.DO_NOT_AUTOFILL_FORM

    return CrawlerActions.DO_AUTOFILL_FORM

options.callbacks.form_before_autofill = cb_form_before_autofill


After form autofill

Can be used to run some code after the crawler automatically filled in a form. It receives three arguments, nyawc.Queue, which contains all the items currently in the queue (also finished items), elements, which is an array of BeautifulSoup4 input elements found in the form and form_data, which is the (editable) form data that will be used in the request.

Please note that this callback will not be called if CrawlerActions.DO_NOT_AUTOFILL_FORM was returned in the before callback.


def cb_form_after_autofill(queue_item, elements, form_data):

options.callbacks.form_after_autofill = cb_form_after_autofill
