Not Your Average Web Crawler
A very useful web crawler for vulnerability scanning

A very useful web crawler for vulnerability scanning

pip install --upgrade nyawc

N.Y.A.W.C is a Python application that enables you to crawl web applications for requests instead of URLs. It crawls every GET and POST request on the specified domain and keeps track of the request and response data. It's main purpose is to be used in web application vulnerability scanners.

Step #1

You can define your startpoint (a request) and the crawling scope and then start the crawler.

Step #2

The crawler repeatedly starts the first request in the queue until max threads is reached.

Step #3

The crawler adds all requests found in the response to the end of the queue (except duplicates).

Step #4

The crawler goes back to step #2 to spawn new requests repeatedly until max threads is reached.

Several callbacks can be used throughout the crawling process to, for example, modify requests on the go.